Monday, 7 March 2011

Blatant racism at Harry's Place

Those nasty bigots at Harry's Place have demonstrated another sordid quality of their daily hate-filled outpourings: blatant racism.

It begins with the title itself, which includes the phrase
'A Pair of White Muslim Extremists...'.

The article is about a two converts to Islam, who do seem to have been involved in an unpleasant campaign against an Imam - there's no defending that.

But what has their colour got to do with it? Nothing, they could just have well been black converts or Asian converts. The article continues:
... two indigenous English converts to Islam, who like to see themselves as white Muslim examples of Malcolm X’s “field Negroes” because these two brave white men “don’t take shit from the Man”, don’t you know.
The second of our nasty, befuddled white English converts
and in a quote from a comment included by the offensive Lucy Lips above the line
I remember listening to a white convert to Islam ... But in the name of religion, you can spout a lot of vicious hate, especially if you are a white convert who will scream ‘Islamophobia’ if you so much as call them out for their bigotry.
Hardly a surprise that it is a cross post from the outstandingly bad Effendi of The Spittoon.

True colours shining through.


  1. Here is the comment in its entirety from which Frank quotes a small bit:

    "I remember listening to a white convert to Islam on the BBC Asian Network in which there was a debate about some religious issue. And he was saying that all the Hindu and Sikh listeners would end up in hell with horrendous tortures if they did not convert to Islam. And the things he said were really sadistic and violent and hateful. And I remember my Dad who was in the car with me saying, that even when the National Front were at their peak, a white man could not get away with such blind hatred for Asians on the BBC like that. But in the name of religion, you can spout a lot of vicious hate, especially if you are a white convert who will scream ‘Islamophobia’ if you so much as call them out for their bigotry".

    Gives it quite a different meaning doesn't it?

  2. Hi Frank,

    I have been following your posts on Ted Jeory's blog. Interesting to note that Ted has a link on his blog to Harry's Place. Also for some reason Ted decided that the following comment that I posted deserved deletion:

    Does everyone remember the former Labour MP Phil Woolas?

    Well, how was Ted reporting the story before Phil was revealed for his true colours?

    Hmmm….. makes you wonder

  3. I dare say it would be quite revealing to gather all Ted Jeory's writings together and look for common themes. I had thought the anti-Muslim angle was purely the domain of Gilligan, and that Ted's interest was the local politics. Still, he's writing for the Express, anything's possible!

    A quick response to the previous anonymous poster quoting the full 'white slur': don't think the tactic discredited even by HP commentators of making false links between Muslims and the NF/BNP in the least lets you off the hook for an article rooted in bigotry, both racist and anti-Muslim. You could never have gotten away with such racism for converts of any other colour. Bloody shameful!

  4. Frank, someone has usefully collected together some of Ted's articles, which are posted as links on his weblog highlighting the unhealthy obsession with the muslim community, see commentor no.25

    All of his articles can also be found on the following link

  5. Thanks for the links. Ted Jeory's reporting in Tower Hamlets has never had the balance of someone like, say, Dave Hill. However, his writings are not in the category of the egregious Gilligan, whose lies and bigotry are breathtaking. I wish Ted would realise that by cosying up to Gilligan it gives the appearance that he approves of what Gilligan does and says.

  6. Hi Frank,

    You may have already seen this, but Terry Fitpatrick has been convicted as a racist and Operation Black Vote have a few things to say about Harry's Place:

  7. Yes, Terry Fitz duly convicted. OBV rightly notes that Harry's Place is a haven for racists, and Lee Jasper pulls no punches in exposing the racism underlying that most egregious of hate blogs:

  8. And Terry Fitzpatrick as 'whitevanmanlondon' is still commenting on Ted Jeory's blog.
